+2 votes
in Education by (350 points)
Anyone here who knows about Degree 3rd Year Result 2024 Session 2018-19 Publish Date? I am eagerly waiting for the exam result. I have posted this question in various Facebook Groups. But, most of them not able to tell me the right answer.

Can you please tell me when will publish the result?

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6 Answers

+15 votes
by (660 points)
selected by
Best answer
Degree 3rd Year Result 2024 publish date is the common question for lakh of student. I am also want to know about it. Till now, I have read many articles from trusted Educational Website like Allresultnet.com, Allresultbd, Examresultbd and more. They mentioned that, the result will be published within 5 or 7 days.

However, there is no official date and time. National University will announce it before 1 hour of the result publication.

I hope you understand that.
by (350 points)
I wish the result publish soon. BTW, thanks for the comment.
+3 votes
by (220 points)
National University Bangladesh is trying to publish degree 3rd year exam result in the last part of February 2024. The 3rd year written exam was held in 20 September to 22 November 2023. Degree pass and certificate course 2nd year exam had ended on 30 August and the result already published on 27 November 2023.

We were expecting that the NU degree 2nd year result would be published in the last week February.

To get your result by any mobile phone connection (Teletalk, Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Airtell) , go to your mobile message option and type NU <space> DEG <space> Your Roll Number and sent to 16222. You will get your result by a reply sms.
+2 votes
by (200 points)
According to the various sources, the result will be publish on 22 February 2024. But, the question is, is the date is official? I got the date from many website like Motiur Vai. Ami mone kori result ferbruary er last week e publish hobe.

Now, we have to wait for the official date.
0 votes
by (170 points)
22 tarikhe deoyar sombabona besi ar nu result deoyar 2 gonta ag cara keu bolte pare na.
0 votes
by (170 points)
National University is publishing the Degree 3rd Year 2024 on at 08 PM. Bangladesh National University Final Year Result has been announced by the exam controller Bodrujjaman. Recently, he released one notice on www.nu.ac.bd which describes the result publication summary.

This year, total of 163227 candidates have participated in the Pass course final year exam. Among them only 57.85% students have been successful to pass in all subjects. That means only 87,897 have been passed. Now the students of third year are thrilled and impatient to know obtained CGPA.
0 votes
by (310 points)
22 tarikh may be

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